The Finance department is constantly faced with unprecedented challenges motivated by the high sense of responsibility and the agility with which they must respond to requests for information. CFOs are increasingly betting on digital transformation in their area.

Having the right information at hand makes Finance an indispensable piece for decision-making, proactively managing business growth, controlling constant financial changes and making the organization’s resources more efficient.

Accounts receivable

Provide your employees with a workflow customized to business rules to automate their invoice receipt, approval, and payment processes.

Make the best use of the time of the members of this department, adding value to their activities and eliminating repetitive tasks through RPA.

  • Receive electronic invoices under the requirements that your company needs
  • Centralize communication channels by eliminating the heavy administration of emails to receive invoices
  • Validate XML immediately upon receipt and before making a payment
  • Reject and notify your suppliers when an invoice is not valid before SAT or under the conditions of your organization, without having to intervene
  • Automatically extract the value information of each invoice such as issue date, RFC, amount, due date, taxes
  • Check, with the functions of our system, that the invoices correspond to open POs
  • Maintain interoperability between our solutions and other systems such as ERP and banking portals to mitigate duplicate and late payment errors
  • Visualize the traceability of each of your processes knowing at all times the status of each present and future payment responsibility
  • Provide the status of your invoices to suppliers if you wish through our portal
  • Request the payment complement through an automatic email to your suppliers once you have paid them for have the complete digital record of each accounting operation

Accounts payable

  • Automate the process of sending invoices and payment reminders
  • Have a digital record that supports the collection reflected in each invoice sent
  • Reduce the time gap between the performance of the service or delivery of goods and the issuance of the invoice
  • Immediately respond to your clients’ questions about payment obligations
  • You can optionally ask your clients to send proof of payment to mitigate confusion when associating them with the corresponding client

Financial audits and reports

Don’t be afraid of accounting audits. With our solutions you will have the support of your operations, invoices, payment vouchers, payment complements, emails, agreements, evidence, etc.

  • Have the traceability of each accounting operation
  • Know the status of your finances, the money you are about to receive and the payment obligations you are about to exercise
  • Mitigate the risk of unauthorized collaborators having access to sensitive information of the organization

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